Zootopia+ takes us back to the metropolis of Zootopia, diving deeper into the lives of some of the film’s fan-favorite characters in a short-form series. In the episode “Hopp on Board,” Bonnie & Stu Hopps (voiced by Bonnie Hunt and Don Lake) are forced into an action-packed rescue mission to save their daughter Molly who hitched a ride atop the train to Zootopia.
“I think of every parent as an action hero,” says Hunt. “I have 15 nieces and nephews, and I’ve seen when the one-year-old gets too close to the top of the steps. I’ve seen my sisters turn into action heroes, moving faster than they’ve ever moved and lifting things they never thought they could ever lift to push things out of the way.”
Working together on Zootopia+ was a treat for the voice actors. “We’re there to play,” according to Lake. “It’s not work. Bonnie and I are just having fun, right? We’re just playing.”
“It was so fun,” Hunt agrees. “You’re just so lucky, because you know you’ve got the safety net of good story, good intentions, and quality of character.”
“One of my biggest joys was of Don and Bonnie recording,” says director Trent Correy. “They worked together, they have this shorthand. It’s amazing to see.”
“With Don and Bonnie, comedic geniuses, so incredibly smart and hilarious, they forced Trent and I to elevate the material,” according to director Josie Trinidad. “They were already a couple of steps ahead of us.”
Catch “Hopp on Board,” streaming now, on Disney+.
About Zootopia+
Zootopia+ heads back to the fast-paced mammal metropolis of Zootopia in a short-form series that dives deeper into the lives of some of the Oscar®-winning feature film’s most intriguing residents, including Fru Fru, the fashion-forward arctic shrew; ZPD dispatcher Clawhauser, the sweet-toothed cheetah; and Flash, the smiling sloth who’s full of surprises.