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Five Things I’m Going To Do {Right Now} After Bloggy Boot Camp

OK, so the right now is a bit relative. It’s already been almost a week and I’ve done almost none of it. But I’m getting to it. In the immediate future. Maybe.

No, definitely. I’m definitely getting to this in the very near future.

1. I’m going to completely overhaul my blog bio page. Well, actually I’m going to do a completely new page with a URL that includes my name. (Because no one is going to find me by googling “About Me”.)  I’m going to link up favorite posts. I’m going to add video. I’m going to make it amazing. Anyone who lands on my bio will absolutely, without a doubt, want to work with me as of yesterday. (It never hurts to dream big, right?)

2. And in slightly easier to do goals: I’m going to link my bio page to my Twitter profile. At the moment it links to my blog’s home page. That’s all well and good if my best post is my most recent post. And even though I always try to do a good job, let’s face it: not all blog posts are stars. Some just exist. If I link up my bio page and my bio page if full of the top examples of my work then I’m already starting out on the right food with anyone who visits me from Twitter.

3. I’ll start saving my blog images with graphics as .png files. Ever tried to make a pinnable photo with graphics and text and they turned all murky? That’s because they were probably saved as .jpg files. That’s happened to me so many times! Who knew? Well, now we all know! Easy peasy!

4. I’m buying Unmarketing by Scott Stratten. It kept coming up during the conference. I’m pretty sure it came up while I was at SoFabCon, too. If the universe (or a bunch of bloggers) keeps trying to tell me something I’m going to listen. And I’m going to download Unmarketing as soon as I get a chance to catch my breath.

5. I’ll stop being lazy about backlinks. I’m my own worst promoter. I’ll be spend lots of time writing a post and taking great pictures and then I’ll skip the whole SEO thing. Specifically when it comes to back links. I’ll actively be writing a post and think about a similar post that I should link up and I don’t do it. Why? Nothing buy lazy blogging on my part. But no more! If I want to grow myself and my blog I know I need to be proactive. No more thinking I should backlink that old post. I’m going to do it!

So about that whole right now thing? I’m going to go work on all of these goals. Right now.

As The Bunny Hops®