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Fourteen for Fourteen

Fourteen for 20141. Learn to play my guitar. (Yes, that was on the list last year. It stays until I do it.)

2. Renew my passport. (And ditto about last year.)

3. Learn to shoot in manual. (Yep, we’re still working through last year’s unfinished business…)

4. Publish more tutorials. (This should probably stay here every year. It’s where my heart is.)

5. Finish all of those projects around the house that have been waiting forever. (This was there last year, too. I’m lumping it all together.)

6. Meet my daily goal on my FitBit more often. (I bought it on Black Friday. I’ve met goal once. That’s just pitiful.)

7. Drink more water. (I still love my Diet Pepsi. I just want to make sure I get in plenty of water first.)

8. Travel more. (I have two conferences booked so far and a trip to Disney in two weeksI know I can meet this one!)

9. Stay positive. (The world needs more positive people. I intend to be one of them.)

10. To purge. (I have lots of things that need purging so we’re not going to get too specific here.)

11. Meet my savings goals. (I’ve been working on an emergency fund. Suze Orman would be proud.)

12. Meet my blogging goals. (I’m going to be a little mysterious here. There are two things I want to make happen this year. And I’ll let you know if they do.)

13. Say yes more. (Fear is the enemy of yes. I’m going to laugh in the face of fear.)

14. Say no more. (I swear 13 and 14 can happen at the same time.)

Happy New Year

As The Bunny Hops®