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Glittered Ceramic Trees

Silver Glittered Tree

If you’re of a certain age, there’s a 99% chance that you grew up with a ceramic tree in your house every Christmas. I remember pulling the little light bulbs in and out of the one we had. Most likely when my mom wasn’t around, as I’m pretty sure she would have told me to stop it.

I found unfinished ceramic trees at the craft store this year and decided to give them a modern update. I would never have the heart to do anything to one that was already glazed, but maybe if you have one that’s chipped or broken? This could be an easy fix!

Ceramic Tree Lamp

I gave the trees a few coats of Glitter Blast spray. If you’re careful, one can should come close to fully covering one tree and base. I was working on two tree sets and used a total of three cans.

After the Glitter Blast was dry, I wired the lamp kit to the base. It’s pretty straight forward. You pull the cord through the base, tighten a nut and attach the wires to the screws on the socket. The only difficult part? I had to call my dad to figure out which wire attached to which screw. (The silver screw gets the ribbed wire, FYI.)

Ceramic Tree Lit

After plugging in and realizing it worked and was unlikely to burn down my house, I added the bulbs and stars.

Bird Tree

That second tree was for my bird-loving best friend. His tree got birds instead of bulbs.

And yes, the star totally makes a rainbow if the light hits it just right.
Glittered Trees

I can’t wait to get my mom’s vintage ceramic tree-she’s promised it to me this Christmas-but I think these silver glittered ceramic trees are pretty fabulous, too!

As The Bunny Hops®