Step one: fire up the tiki torches!
Step two: invite the back yard bunny.
Step three: put out some chips for snacking.
Step four: serve some cold drinks.
Step five: grill up some hot dogs.
Step six: get ready to eat.
Step seven: don’t forget to take a few pictures.
Step eight: make your plate.
Step nine: end with something sweet.
This week was all about taking the lessons learned in previous weeks and bringing it all together. What I realized? That’s so much harder than it sounds! When you’re trying to actually cook things that people will be eating the act of taking pictures intrudes a bit. It’s one thing to grab a few candid shots, but to be thoughtful in your photos, think about lighting and composition…that’s all really hard to do when you’re also trying to serve your guests and make sure the food looks and tastes great. The final lesson here? I still have so much more to learn. Hopefully with practice it will become second nature and getting great shots will become easier. I definitely learned a lot this week. Most of all I learned I still have a lot of work ahead. (But it’s the best kind of work. Work that’s fun!)