Cartoon Saloon follows up their Academy Award-nominated film Wolfwalkers with the charming adventures of Elmer (Jacob Tremblay)and a young dragon named Boris (Gaten Matarazzo) in My Father’s Dragon.
I chatted with Jacob Tremblay about recording with costar Gaten Matarazzo and discussed the film’s visual inspiration with director Nora Twomey.
Jacob Tremblay and Nora Twomey Interview
My Father’s Dragon streams onto Netflix on November 11, 2022.
About My Father’s Dragon
From five-time Academy Award®-nominated animation studio Cartoon Saloon (The Secret of Kells, Song of the Sea, Wolfwalkers) and Academy Award®-nominated director Nora Twomey (The Breadwinner), comes an exquisite film inspired by the Newbery-honored children’s book from author Ruth Stiles Gannett. Struggling to cope after a move to the city with his mother, Elmer (Jacob Tremblay) runs away in search of Wild Island and a young dragon called Boris (Gaten Matarazzo) who waits to be rescued. Elmer’s adventures introduce him to ferocious beasts, a mysterious island and the friendship of a lifetime.