I’ve gone through all sorts of detoxes, but never one for my scalp. Which is a shame, since my scalp has always been a mess. I’m giving my roots a break with Balanced Guru’s Scalp Detox. It’s cruelty-free, recyclable, and biodegradable. It’s also made with an organic blend of Oregano, Tea Tree Oil and Rosemary essential oils. After they do their work, the detox process then continues with Algae, Sea Kelp and Brahmi helping to rejuvenate tired roots. You just use the dropper to apply to the scalp and massage. There’s no need to rinse. Find out more at Balanced Guru’s website.
Want a bar of soap that gives back? Noodle & Boo’s Circle of Love campaign is there to raise awareness and funds for the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV/AIDS (PMTCT) programs in Africa. Babies born to HIV-positive moms will not contract the virus because moms will receive the necessary antiretroviral immunizations and care. Noodle & Boo is donating 100% of the profit from the sale of their Believe Honey Bar and “Our World” Tee to the Circle of Love campaign. Funds from the Circle of Love campaign will reach those in need through the Blood:Water fund. Find out more on the Noodle & Boo website.