It’s Halloween crafting time again! Ready to have more spooky Disney fun? This one is kid and mummy friendly. Mummy friendly…see what I did there? I love a good pumpkin craft. Especially one that’s done with craft pumpkins so I’m not required to scoop out pumpkin guts. You’ll be able to use my Mickey Mouse Mummy Pumpkin year after year. Totally not the case when you make anything with those stringy, gut filled real pumpkins… That said, you could do this with real pumpkins if you’re a pumpkin purist.
Disneyland has a gigantic version of Mickey made with pumpkin ears right off of main street every Halloween. This is just the tiny, mummified version. So whatdaya need to make it?
- Three craft pumpkins
- Toothpicks
- Muslin fabric
- Craft glue
- Googly eyes
That’s it! I made a small tabletop version, but craft pumpkins come in all sizes. You could totally do a large, front porch version of my mummy. It’s all about finding the right sized “ear” pumpkins to match the main “face” pumpkin you choose.
Use a combination of glue and a toothpick to hold each “ear” in place. Most craft pumpkins are made of foam so you should be able to poke right on through. I did break the first toothpick, however, so…grab a few extras before you get started.
Next it’s time to wrap the mummy. When you’re picking out your fabric, go for the cheapest muslin you can find. You want to avoid bleached muslin. The natural color looks more mummy-ish, anyway. And it’s cheaper. Double win.
Cut a small notch in the fabric and rip. Then rip some more. Then rip some more. You want the fabric strips to be rough edged. The more strings and frays the better. When you’re talking mummy, messier makes it.Then just glue and wrap and glue and wrap. You really don’t need a ton of glue, just a spot here and there. Make sure you leave some pumpkin skin exposed and don’t worry about being overly neat!
A few googly eyes later, and your pumpkin mummy is alive. It’s alive!
Start to finish, the whole project takes less than 10 minutes! Maybe a little more if you’re a mummy perfectionist. Not that you should try to be a mummy perfectionist. The best mummies are a little messy!
Check out all of my Disney Halloween projects!