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Rogue One on Digital HD, Blu-ray and DVD

A copy of Rogue One was provided for this post.

I’m still trying to wrap my head around Rogue One. I thought now that I could watch it again at home that I might be able to process everything that happened a little better. I think I’ll need a few extra viewings before I fully come to grips with the entire film. It’s intense! You can purchase Rogue One on Digital HD now and on Blu-ray and DVD on April 1.

Bonus features include*:

  • A Rogue Idea – Hear how ILM’s John Knoll came up with the movie’s concept – and why it’s
    the right film to launch the Star Wars stand-alone films.
  • Jyn: The Rebel – Get to know Rogue One’s defiant, resourceful survivor, and hear what it
    was like for Felicity Jones to bring her to life onscreen.
  • Cassian: The Spy – Diego Luna shares insights into his complex, driven character, who
    becomes a hero through selflessness, perseverance and passion.
  • K-2SO: The Droid – Explore the development of this reprogrammed Imperial droid, from
    initial pitch and character design through Alan Tudyk’s performance.
  • Baze & Chirrut: Guardians of the Whills – Go deeper into the relationship between these
    two very different characters, with Chinese superstars Jiang Wen and Donnie Yen.
  • Bodhi & Saw: The Pilot & The Revolutionary – Forest Whitaker and Riz Ahmed reflect on
    Saw Gerrera, the broken Rebel leader, and Bodhi Rook, the Imperial pilot who defects.
  • The Empire – Meet a dangerous new Imperial adversary…and cross paths once more with
    the most iconic villain of all time.
  • Visions of Hope: The Look of “Rogue One” – The filmmakers describe the challenges and
    thrills of developing a bold new look for the movie that can fit within the world of the
    original trilogy.
  • The Princess & The Governor – See what it took to bring the vibrant young princess of “Star Wars: A New Hope” – as well as one of her most memorable foes – back to the
  • Epilogue: The Story Continues – Filmmakers and cast celebrate Rogue One’s premiere and
    look forward into the future, to the Star Wars stories yet to be told.
  • Rogue Connections – Uncover Easter eggs and film facts hidden throughout the movie that connect “Rogue One” to the Star Wars universe.

* Digital bonus offerings may vary by retailer.

As The Bunny Hops®