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Rugrats-Inspired DIY Cynthia Headband

Thank you to Nickelodeon for sponsoring this DIY Cynthia Headband to celebrate Rugrats: The Complete Series‘ arrival on DVD!

Completed Cynthia Headband

Hey 90s babies: Make your own Rugrats-Inspired DIY Cynthia headband! Get the full details on how to make your own over at As The Bunny Hops!

Are you feeling all of the major 90s vibes floating around lately? I have always loved Rugrats, and now the entire series is available on DVD! We all know that Angelica Pickles is one of the best animated characters of all time…and that’s in no small part because of her epicly amazing doll Cynthia. Today I’m celebrating them both with a DIY Cynthia headband!

To make your own headband, you’ll need:

  • Yellow Craft Foam
  • Pencil
  • Black Marker or Paint Pen
  • Headband
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Scissors
  • Black Pipe Cleaners
Yellow foam, pencil, and headband supplies for Cynthia headband. 

Hey 90s babies: Make your own Rugrats-Inspired DIY Cynthia headband! Get the full details on how to make your own over at As The Bunny Hops!

Start by tracing the curve of your headband onto craft foam with a pencil. You’ll then want to draw the shape of Cynthia’s four sections of hair onto the foam. Cut out the four pieces of hair, leaving a little tab of extra foam at the bottom of each piece.

Yellow foam hair pieces for Cynthia headband on orange background. 

Hey 90s babies: Make your own Rugrats-Inspired DIY Cynthia headband! Get the full details on how to make your own over at As The Bunny Hops!

Trace around the edge of each piece of foam with a black paint pen or marker, adding a few extra squiggles of hair at the base of each piece.

Rugrats Cynthia Headband yellow foam hair pieces with detail added on orange background. 

Hey 90s babies: Make your own Rugrats-Inspired DIY Cynthia headband! Get the full details on how to make your own over at As The Bunny Hops!

Wrap the extra foam at the bottom of each hair section around the headband and use hot glue to secure it in place. Twist three pieces of black pipe cleaner in between the first and second sections of hair, bending each one to look like stray hairs.

Rugrats Cynthia Headband on orange background. 

Hey 90s babies: Make your own Rugrats-Inspired DIY Cynthia headband! Get the full details on how to make your own over at As The Bunny Hops!

Once those last hairs are in place, your DIY Cynthia Headband is ready to wear!

Don’t forget, 90s babies: Rugrats: The Complete Series is available now on DVD!

Want to save this Cynthia headband for later? Click on the photo below to add to Pinterest!

Hey 90s babies: Make your own Rugrats-Inspired DIY Cynthia headband! Get the full details on how to make your own over at As The Bunny Hops!
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