Since I shared some of the pictures from my Instagram, it only seemed fair to share some of the embarrassing photos taken of me last week.
Like that time I did Karaoke and apparently was really feeling it.
Then there was the time we went out for dinner and almost missed the pajama party.
But I did make the pajama party. Thank goodness.
There was also that party where I was having a really bad hair night. We’ll just blame the mask. (The mask is pretty awesome, though, right?)
And it only seems right to end on the “it’s over” sad face selfie.
Needless to say… SoFabCon 14 was awesome. And I can’t wait to see what SoFabCon 15 has in store. Meanwhile, stay tuned…I have two more events coming up in the next two months! Make sure you follow along with all of the fun on Instagram!