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Spring Forward With New Resolutions

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It's never too late to get back on track. Start by making a few spring resolutions! I get it. You start the new year all bright and cheery, ready to take on the world. Then a few snow days and gray skies without the twinkle of holiday lights to distract you? It drains you. Suddenly all of those good intentions fall by the wayside. Don’t worry. Spring is almost here. Birds singing? Flowers blooming? Make some spring resolutions! It’s the perfect time to get back on track with all of your goals!

Ways to save money shopping onlineFind It Here

Want to save money? Who doesn’t, right? Paribus can help! I know I always worry when I’m making pretty much any purchase over $50 that there will be a better deal the next week. Paribus is a service that will compare prices after the fact and will see if you could have gotten a better deal. If so, they get you a refund for the difference! And yes, that money goes directly into savings, not on another purchase. I’m watching you…

Healthy meals at homeFind It Here

Want to eat healthier? Home Chef to the rescue! I have my first box arriving on Wednesday and I love that when I was setting up my profile they allowed me to say I preferred low carb options. Truffled demi-glace sirloin and green peppercorn pork tenderloin are on the menu for next week! Want to give Home Chef a try? Receive $30 off your first purchase of at least two meals with code SHOPSHARE!

filtered waterFind It Here

Want to drink more water? I know that I’m trying to beat my Diet Coke habit. (OK, fine, I’m trying to limit myself to one at most a day…) I also know that I’m a total water snob. If I taste anything in the water, I won’t drink it. offers a huge variety of water filtration products at guaranteed low prices. Go ahead, drink up!

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Want to get a handle on your credit? Credit Sesame is here! You’ll get a free credit score and credit report card, but you’ll also get a strategy to help you take the best steps to improve your credit. They’ll make suggestions that could save you money and help you find better loans. Best of all, Credit Sesame is 100% free!

Dress your shapeFind It Here

Want to spruce up your wardrobe? In the middle of my new year’s closet purging I realized that I had tons of things in my closet that I didn’t love. You should love everything in your wardrobe. The best way to do that is to find out the clothes that are perfect for you. The Style Confidence Club does just that with body type and color analysis,  style confidence modules and more! Join now with code SHOPSHARE130 and get lifetime membership for only $69. That’s a $130 savings!

travelFind It Here

Want to travel more? I totally get that! I traveled a ton last year for work and so far this year I’ve been stuck at home. (I keep reminding myself that last year’s travel didn’t start until April, so…it’s just the usual beginning of the year lull…but the wanderlust is strong here!) I’m currently using TripAdvisor® to help me find the perfect hotel for an overnight trip in a few weeks with my bestie. With 435 million reviews covering 6.8 million different things, I can make an educated decision. They also check more than 200 websites to help you find and book the lowest hotel prices!


 Go ahead. Make some spring resolutions. It’s never too late to get back on track!
As The Bunny Hops®