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Star Wars: The Bad Batch Features Many Clones, But One Voice Actor Plays Them All

The series that fans of The Clone Wars have been waiting for is finally here! Star Wars: The Bad Batch debuts on Disney+ on Star Wars Day, May the 4th.

We first met the Bad Batch in the final season of The Clone Wars. Now a full 16 episode animated series will follow the adventures of Clone Force 99 on their mercenary missions in the aftermath of the Clone Wars. Veteran voice actor Dee Bradley Baker provides the voice of every clone trooper, including the members of the Bad Batch.

Creating the voice for every single clone in the series definitely sounds like a challenge, and Baker would agree. “Clone Force 99 is kind of another step beyond what I’ve been asked to do in the Clone Wars series. The clones, the tricky part for them is that the differentiation is much tighter between characters. It has to be decisive. It has to be clear.”

(L-R): Crosshair, Echo, Wrecker, Hunter and Tech in a scene from “STAR WARS: THE BAD BATCH”, exclusively on Disney+. © 2021 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ™. All Rights Reserved.

“The Bad Batch are actually much further apart from each other, which oddly makes it a little bit easier to jump from character to character to character,” continues Baker. “It’s a still a really fascinating process as a voice actor to just have these scenes where I’m just talking to myself, just switching from character to character to character as we go through the script.”

“It’s impressive to watch him do it in the room, because when we first started, I thought he
was gonna go a character at a time,” says producer and head writer Jennifer Corbett. “Watching him act out a scene with himself, with all of these clones, there was no pause. He just goest right into it and I was blown away.”

Fennec Shand in a scene from “STAR WARS: THE BAD BATCH”, exclusively on Disney+. © 2021 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ™. All Rights Reserved.

While Baker is doing a lot of the voices in the series, he isn’t the only vocal talent featured. Ming-Na Wen provides the voice of Fennec Shand, Stephen Stanton is Grand Moff Tarkin, Andrew Kishino is Saw Gerrera, and Michelle Ang provides the voice of Omega.

You can experience the vocal talents of Dee Bradley Baker as Clone Force 99 in Star Wars: The Bad Batch when it premieres on Disney+ on May 4, 2021.

Star Wars: The Bad Batch Press Junket

About Star Wars: The Bad Batch

The series follows the elite and experimental clones of the Bad Batch (first introduced in “The Clone Wars”) as they find their way in a rapidly changing galaxy in the immediate aftermath of the Clone War. Members of Bad Batch – a unique squad of clones who vary genetically from their brothers in the Clone Army — each possess a singular exceptional skill which makes them extraordinarily effective soldiers and a formidable crew. In the post-Clone War era, they will take on daring mercenary missions as they struggle to stay afloat and find new purpose.

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