The Sea Beast, an epic journey of monster hunters and a precocious stowaway, sails onto Netflix on July 8th. Chris Williams, the director of hits like Big Hero 6 and Moana, created and wrote the story and directed the film to celebrate his lifelong fascination with fantastical adventure stories. Zaris-Angel Hator, an actor and singer with several West-End theater credits, multiple television appearances, and a recent turn in the film Morbius, provides the voice of the young stowaway named Maisie.
I recently had the chance to interview them both about The Sea Beast. I asked Williams about animation styles and Easter eggs and asked Hator about her reaction to seeing her character for the first time. You can check out the full interview below:
The Sea Beast Interview with Zaris-Angel Hator & Chris Williams
The Sea Beast Activity Pack
Download The Sea Beast activity pack!
About The Sea Beast
In an era when terrifying beasts roamed the seas, monster hunters were celebrated heroes – and none were more beloved than the great Jacob Holland. But when young Maisie Brumble stows away on his fabled ship, he’s saddled with an unexpected ally. Together they embark on an epic journey into uncharted waters and make history.