Have five minutes and some old t-shirts sitting around? Then you can make a fun and easy braided t-shirt headband!
How To Make A Braided T-Shirt Headband
Cut out one inch strips of t-shirts. The cuts don’t have to be neat, so don’t worry if you get a little wobbly with the scissors. Make sure the strips are long enough to wrap around your head. Pull the strips on each end to create a tube of t-shirt fabric.
Tie three tubes of fabric to a ponytail holder.
Place the ponytail holder on a doorknob and start to braid. Continue braiding until you have the length you want for you headband.
Tie the ends of the braid to the other side of the ponytail holder. Trim off any excess. Finish off the ends of each braid with hot glue and an extra scrap of t-shirt fabric.
Headache-Free Headbands
If you’re anything like me, headbands can cause headaches. The fancy name for that is an “external compression headache”. This is a great way to hold your hair back while skipping that annoying external compression pain. It’s important to make sure you make the headband large enough to fit comfortably. As long as you get the size right, you can wear a t-shirt headband all day in total comfort!
These braided t-shirt headbands are so easy to make, why not create a rainbow of colors? After all, you’re just five minutes away from your next headband!
Want to save this braided t-shirt headband for later? Click on the photo below to add to Pinterest!