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Personalized Door Banners

Bunny and Wine BannerSilhouette DisclosureI’m officially in panic mode. I leave soon for BlogHer and I have way too much to do and basically one day to do it all. That didn’t stop me, though, from creating a fun door banner for our hotel room. We started the whole door decorating thing in May at SoFabCon. It’s a tradition I wanted to keep alive. And nothing could represent our room more than bunnies and wine. Bunny Wine BannerI used cuts I already had from the Silhouette online store to make my own bunny and wine glass banner. I just added little circles at the top to make stringing the banner easy. Cute, right? Just a few cuts from scrap paper in my stash, string it up and hang on the door! Bunny and Wine Banner
Ready for your own Silhouette? Score some sweet bundle deals starting on July 22nd and ending July 31st.
The Silhouette CAMEO bundle includes the CAMEO, a teal dust cover and Designer Edition Software for only $269.99.
The Silhouette Portrait bundle includes the Portrait, a grey dust cover and Designer Edition Software for only $149.99. Already have your machine? Score the Designer Edition Software for 40% off! Just use code BUNNYHOPS at checkout!


As The Bunny Hops®