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Twenty Something Celebrates A Universal Truth: Adulting Can Be Hard

Storyboard artist Aphton Corbin has been with Pixar for over five years, previously working on Toy Story 4 and Soul. It was during the production of Soul that she was given the opportunity to direct something as part of Pixar’s SparkShorts program.

“After hyper-ventilating for what felt like months, I decided to dig deeper into my imposter syndrome,” says Corbin. “I realized, this is what I want to base my short on: insecurity and feeling too immature for the task at hand.” That inspired “Twenty Something,” the story of Gia’s night out on her 21st birthday

Adulting can be hard. Some days you're nailing it, while other days, you're just a stack of kids hiding in a trench coat hoping no one notices. Gia finds herself in this exact scenario the night of her 21st birthday.

“I just love this idea of all these kids, what they’d look like stacked up in a trench coat, trying to navigate through life,” continues Corbin. “It felt like the perfect metaphor of trying to steer through life while hiding your insecurities.”

In order to make things work with a limited budget, Corbin knew 2-D animation was the way to go. “It’s honestly my first love. I got into animation because I loved drawings, and to see those drawings come to life is a super special moment.”

You can see how Cobin’s vision came together when “Twenty Something” launches on Disney+ on September 10, 2021.

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