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Vacation Memories Canvas Art

Thank you to Poise for sponsoring today’s post. #PoiseLinerLove

Vacation Memories Canvas ArtThe best part of my job? The friends. The worst part? Those friends live scattered across the country. It’s why we save our money to travel to blog conferences. It gives us a tax-deductible excuse to hang out. And if you work for the IRS? Just ignore that last statement.

I miss my far-flung besties and I love it when we can find an excuse to get together. I had an amazing time in July rooming with Summer and Melissa for a few conferences in New York City. We had event, after event, after event-and yet we still managed to make it to two Broadway shows while we were there. Priorities, people

The last of those shows? That’s the one that will be forever emblazoned in my mind as the funniest story from the trip. And it’s not even my story. You see, Summer and I were at the closing party, having a blast. Melissa was off picking up show tickets for us. The plan was to meet up at the theater. Well…the party and the theater were pretty far apart. And NYC means traffic. And we’re late. The show is starting and we’re stuck in Times Square. I have the bright idea to make a run for it. Summer and I hopped out of the taxi and booked it to the theater. Of course she’s given birth three times and had a huge vodka lemonade at the concert…and…you can see where this is going, right? Yep. Poor thing sat in wet pants for three hours. And poor me had to sit beside her.

That, my friends, is the stuff that memories are made of. And it’s a good reminder that when you have occasional light bladder leakage you should always be prepared with Poise Liners. Consider it a lesson learned. The hard way.

PicturesSuch an epic trip needed to be memorialized in DIY-gift form. I went online and grabbed a bunch of our Instagrams from the trip. I printed them out on my deskjet using regular copy paper.

CollageI got a rough idea of placement on the canvas, then gave the canvas a good coat of Mod Podge. I also applied Mod Podge to the back of each photo. Since I used an ink-jet printer, I had to be careful not to get the Mod Podge on the top of the photo. Otherwise there would be smudging. The few spots where some extra Mod Podge leaked through I just gave a quick dab with a paper towel-no rubbing.

Canvas Edge

You want the photos as random as possible, and you also want them to bleed over the edges.

Finished EdgeI used photo scraps to finish off around the corners of the canvas so that everything would be completely covered. Once that was done, I gave everything a quick spray with acrylic sealer. That will keep the photos from bleeding so that you can finish them off with a top coat of Mod Podge. If you use a laser printer that step won’t be necessary.


After sealing, you could call your canvas finished. Of course I’m a more-is-more girl, so I wasn’t even close to done. I gave the whole thing a coat of crystal glitter.

I heart NYI then used my digital cutter to create “I ♥ NY” in vinyl. If you don’t have a digital cutter, this is easy enough to recreate cutting by hand, painting or using stickers. And with that, my vacation memories canvas art is done.

It’s the perfect Christmas gift for Summer. It’s a way to remind her of our amazing trip to NYC-and to remind her of that time she wet her pants in Times Square.

Prepare for your next vacation-or just a trip to the store-with Poise Liners. They’re perfect for the everyday unexpected.


As The Bunny Hops®