You might guess that I’m a fan of Easter and all things bunny. That’s why I’m already decorating for the season…starting with this easy to make patchwork bunny.
I spotted the papier-mâché bunnies on a recent craft store hunt. I’m usually the type to see something, dig it, then a few days or weeks later I’ll come up with an idea for it. I had the idea to cover one with washi tape while I was still standing in the aisle. I guess my craft brain isn’t as slow as I thought it was. At least not this time. Just don’t tell me washi tape was the obvious choice. I like to pretend I’m a creative.
This project is easy, but I’ll confess now that it takes a bit of time and it can be slightly fussy. If you know washi tape, you know that it’s not super sticky. That means the tape will pop up when you’re working around curves and such. Just keep pressing it down. If you get really frustrated go ahead and put on a coat of gloss Mod Podge. That will make everything stick a little better.
Just rip off small pieces of tape and place them randomly on the bunny form. Something looks a little off? Add more tape. Once you get everything just like you like it, use a foam brush to coat it all with gloss Mod Podge. Then give it another coat. Then another coat. Basically keep coating things until you are completely over it and can’t stand the thought of adding one more coat. At that point you’re probably done.
Once your bunny is dry it’s ready to display. And hey…although it’s perfect for Easter, there’s no reason to put it away. It totally works as a year round bunny. Need more details on how it’s done? Check out my video to see me make this in about a minute. It totally took longer than a minute to make, mind you. I just sped things up to keep you from falling asleep while you watched.